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Collaborations & Partnerships

Unleashing boundless innovation through collaboration



At GenSci, we've forged strategic partnerships with leading academic institutions, research organizations, healthcare providers, and industry leaders. These collaborations are designed to amplify our shared expertise and accelerate the transformation of cutting-edge research into innovative medical solutions.


Our products are actively making a significant impact, enhancing lives across more than 10 countries, including major markets such as China, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South America, and South Africa. With a strategic vision for expansion, we are targeting the introduction of our highly differentiated products to over 30 countries and regions.


GenSci continues to deepen its globalization strategy, marked by the establishment of branches in the United States, Europe, and Singapore. This expansion is a deliberate step towards building a robust global medical promotion network, fortifying our commitment to delivering services to a broader range of global patient populations.


We take pride in our diverse portfolio of partnership models, which are the driving force behind the continuous advancement of our products and technologies.

  • Research Collaborations: We harness the unique strengths of our partners to transform scientific breakthroughs into practical healthcare advancements.1.jpg

  • Clinical Synergies: Focusing on the entire disease trajectory, we collaborate with clinical hospitals and experts to develop products and services that meet the deep needs of patients.2.jpg

  • Cross-Corporate Cooperation: Utilizing diverse cooperation models, we partner with other corporations to propel the creation of top-tier innovative products and technologies.3.jpg

Looking ahead, we anticipate expanding our cooperation with more partners who share our vision. 

Together, we aim to address the full spectrum of disease-related needs and contribute to the betterment of healthcare for all.